Susan Ulfelder, ND, LMT, BCPP, RDH
Susan is a traditional naturopath and a hands-on-healer. She began her professional life as a Registered Dental Hygienist. From the defined area of the mouth, she quickly expanded her scope of awareness to include the entire body through completing the didactic portion of a Ph.D. in Nutrition.
From the body, her attention moved into the individual energy field. Starting out as a Touch for Health instructor, she became a Registered Polarity Practitioner and is a graduate and former Junior Class Teacher (now called Dean) at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Over the past 30 years, she has added many healing modalities to her repertoire, including Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Tuning Forks, Kabbalistic Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Family Constellations.
Susan earned a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Clayton College of Natural Healing and a Doctor of Integrative Medicine degree from Capital University of Integrative Medicine where she became the chair of the Department of Energy and Spiritual Healing. While studying at CUIM, she became exposed to the work of Bert Hellinger. It was then that she further expanded her awareness from an emphasis on the individual energy field to the family energy field. From that day on she began to think and work systemically.
Susan was introduced to this work in a workshop given by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD in 1998. After attending 2 workshops facilitated by Bert Hellinger, she completed the first training sponsored by the Bert Hellinger Institute, USA in NYC that was taught by Harald Hohnen and Hunter Beaumont. She has attended numerous Family Constellations workshops given by Gunthard Weber, Albrecht Mahr, Bertold Ulsamer, Jakob Schneider, Sieglinde Schneider, Stephan Hausner, John Payne, Carola Castillo, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, Ron Young, Heinz Stark Jerone Kerner, Harrison Snow and Elena Veselago and many more experienced facilitators at conferences and intensives. She attended the 1st & 2nd International Intensives at ZIST in Germany and the 1st, 2nd & 3rd North American Constellation Intensives in Santa Barbara, CA. She has also attended conferences on the Family Constellation work of Bert Hellinger in Oaxaca, Mexico; Cologne, Germany; Portland, Oregon; Taipei, Taiwan; Asheville, NC; San Francisco, CA, San Diego, CA and Virginia Beach, VA. In Oaxaca, Mexico, she presented a workshop on “Perception in Family Constellations” and was a member of a panel discussion representing the United States. She presented 2 workshops at the 2005 US Systemic Constellation Conference in Portland and was a member of a panel at the 2007 US Systemic Constellation Conference in Asheville, NC and presented at the 2011 US Systemic Constellation Conference in San Francisco, CA, the 2015 US Systemic Constellations Conference in San Diego, CA and at the 2017 North American Systemic Constellations conference in Virginia Beach, VA. Susan was one of the American trainers at the 2nd & 3rd North American Constellation Intensives in Santa Barbara, CA. Susan attended the Advanced Training of Jakob and Sieglinde Schneider in Munich, Germany July 2007. She has attended the Hellinger Sciencia International Training Camps in Pichl, Austria in 2007-2009 and in Mexico in 2014, 2017 and 2018 taught by Bert and Sophie Hellinger, as well as a 7-day Intensive with Bert Hellinger in Louisville, KY in 2008. She had attended Heinz Stark’s Advanced Training in Bethesda, MD in 2009; Jane Peterson’s Organizational Online Training in 2010, and her Trainers Training Program in 2014. She also attended Francesca Mason Boring’s Advanced Training in Maryland in 2018.
Susan has presented at the following: 1st International Congress of Family Constellations for the Americas in Oaxaca, Mexico 2003, 1st US Conference in Portland, OR. 2005, 2nd North American Constellation Intensive in Sant Barbara, CA 2006, 2nd US Conference in Asheville, NC. 2007, 3rd North American Constellation Intensive in Santa Barbara, CA 2008, The 2011 US Systemic Constellation Conference, San Francisco, CA, In the fall of 2014 at OMEGA, Susan presented at the “Continuing Evolution of Family Constellations: A Celebration of the work pioneered by Bert Hellinger”. The 2015 US Systemic Constellation Conference, San Diego, CA, the 2017 NASC Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, Releasing Transgenerational Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, Boston 2019, Family Constellation Facilitator Trainings 2002-2021, and Advanced Family Constellations Facilitator Trainings 2015-2020.
She has sponsored workshops in the Washington, DC area facilitated by Bert Hellinger, Jakob and Sieglinde Schneider, Stephan Hausner, Carola Castillo,Francesca Mason Boring, Heinz Stark, Jerome Kerner, Harrison Snow and Elena Vesalago.
Susan not only facilitates Family Constellations in a group workshop format but she also facilitates individual constellations with the Playmobil figures in her private practice. She also runs a facilitator training program focusing on the fundamentals of Family Constellations as well as an advanced facilitator training program.
Lynne Miller
Lynne has been the dedicated administrator of the Hellinger Institute of DC since its establishment in 2001. With a passion for the work of Bert Hellinger, Lynne has attended every facilitator training offered by the institute and completed the facilitator training program in 2005. In her commitment to personal growth and learning, Lynne has also attended training sessions with Bert Hellinger in Austria, Taiwan, Cancun, Mexico, and Louisville, KY, as well as all the workshops sponsored by the Hellinger Institute of DC. Notable figures she has trained with include Bert & Sophie Hellinger, Francesca Mason Boring, Stephan Hausner, Carola Castillo, Jakob & Sieglinde Schneider, Heinz Stark, Jerome Kerner, and Harrison Snow. Lynne’s dedication and expertise have led her to co-train with Susan since 2016, further enhancing her capabilities.