Susan offers supervision for Family Constellation facilitators, as a way to further their education and to assist them in clearing their own and their family system’s emotional issues that may have been triggered by a client’s family issues. This is an opportunity to clear what limits us in taking the client further. We can only take the client and (their family) as far as we have gone ourselves. We need to keep working on ourselves and our families to be able to go deeper into the issues that are presented to us. When we get stuck and don’t know where to go next, is a good signal that supervision may be necessary.
A supervision session begins when the facilitator presents the client’s constellation as the issue for them. It includes the presenting complaint, the dynamics that emerged during the constellation, and the solution picture if one was reached.
We then tease apart what happened, where the facilitator got stuck, and why. We work through the issue that limited the facilitator from going further by clearing the issue for them and their family system.
Susan does supervision sessions via Zoom during her normally scheduled client hours, which are Tuesdays – Thursdays 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM in Eastern Time. (check
Her fee is $175 per hour and we accept all major credit cards.
Call 301-215-9168 or contact us to schedule supervision.
Susan does offer Monthly Group Supervision