Growth Takes Root in a Past Laid to Rest
5 DVD set.
Bert Hellinger facilitates this workshop in Davis, FL, February 2003. Topics include: Family Constellations evolves into Movements of the Soul; Integrating perpetrator energy; Consoling; Reconciliation of the Incas & the Conquistadores; When the past is not past, there is no future; Remembering the past, then leave it behind; On Destiny; Healing the split by reconciling the perpetrators & the victims; Integrating the Native American ancestry; Meditation: Personal growth; On love; Expression of aggression heals the needy and weak; Just like the perpetrators; Child does everything for the mother; The essential point; The secret brother; Inner exercise on Gathering strength; Staying in the present with strength; The small cancer; The most concentrated love; Removing the obstacles to love; The function of conscience; Movements of the Soul; Trusting the client in a constellation; Schizophrenia; No family without a murder; Those who never forget are perpetrators; Poem “Resurrection of Jews in Germany”; Sin, punishment and atonement; Peace comes after conflict; Leaving the guilt behind; Solutions independent of others; Reconciliation with past generations; Perpetrator energy; Beyond usual psychotherapy; Accident survivor choosing life; Receiving and passing on life; Joining the dead through illness; The unacknowledged spirit; Belonging to 2 parents, 4 grandparents, etc; Movements of the Soul.
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